Bi-Rite Creamery and Bakeshop
3692 18th Street (@ Dolores)
San Francisco CA 94110
415.626.5600 Bi-Rite Creamery products are handcrafted in small batches and uses local, organic ingredients. There is nothing artificial and they usually use no more than 5 ingredients. Samples are served on metal spoons so they don’t have plastic spoons filling the landfill.

I asked the server what was one of their most popular flavors and she said Honey Lavender and Salted Caramel. So I ordered a scoop of Honey Lavender (sounded strange but I trust these Franciscans) and Cookies n Cream together in one cup. The lavender essence is made from organic dried lavender and the honey is gathered less than a mile away from Mint Hill. This Honey Lavender flavor was pretty good... Wow!! The lavender flavor really was really evident here, but in aI was enjoying more of this than the Cookies n' Cream (which is always my favorite).

Below is a scoop of Salted Caramel and and a scoop of Malted Vanilla with Peanut Brittle and Milk Chocolate Pieces. Probably the most popular flavor at Bi-Rite is the much talked about Salted Caramel. I really enjoyed the Salted Caramel flavor on my first few tastes but after a while I got a little tired of it. I didn't get a large scoop either just a little too much of it. The Malted Vanilla with Peanut Brittle and Milk Chocolate Pieces was excellent as well. A perfect mix of all the flavors with no flavors overwhelming any of the others.
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